The Cardiff Hair Clinic

Hair Loss Treatments


Important information about consultations that are done at the Cardiff clinic of Trichology.

We regret that Trichology advice via email is not available, the nature of Hair Loss and Scalp Conditions is so vast that it can be too time consuming to respond, as you can understand it is impossible to diagnose without actually seeing the hair & scalp itself.  You are welcome to telephone the clinic with your queries and we will do our utmost to help.

The Consultations take one and a half hours. What happens during this time, the Trichologist will take information regarding the problems and symptoms that you are experiencing, take into account lifestyle, hair regime, diet, genetics, medication and medical history.

A thorough scalp examination with a magnifying lamp will take place.  The a simple paper test, rubbed onto the scalp. Then any ‘Loose’ hairs (we do not pull out your hair) fresh hairs and the bulbs are examined under the microscope. A diagnosis of your condition, and possible treatments available to treat your problem, if you are suitable.

A realistic and honest Prognosis will help you understand what’s to be expected. The consultation costs £160 during your first visit, it will include a Trichological Treatment which will be prescribed for you on the day and can only be of benefit to you. Should you need further treatments at the clinic each treatment costs £45.

Please telephone for an appointment on 02920 341824

28 Churchill Way 
CF10 2DY